Free - blue-faced male parrotfinch & female (?) bengalese finch

Hi all. Looking to rehome our last two finches in spring or early summer. We have a blue-faced male parrotfinch and a female (?) bengalese finch, both 2.5 years old. These birds have been kept in an indoor aviary, which is why I’m not keen to rehome them until the weather is a bit warmer. They need to go together & to a good sized outdoor aviary with other finches with sufficient room for flying. Please do not ask if you keep your finches in a cage (even a big one) as the answer will be no.

Willing to travel within the broader Wellington region (& possibly beyond) to drop them off. I’m not asking for payment for them but do want them to go to someone who can provide them with a good life.

Please text (not call) me on: 027 342 9671 or reply privately.
Posted: 2023-08-27 16:54 by Meryl